
Changes in 2016

Changes in 2015

Changes in 2014

Changes in 2013

Changes in 2012

Changes in 2011

Changes in 2010

Changes in 2009

Changes in December 2008

Changes in November 2008

Changes in October 2008

Changes in September 2008

Changes in August 2008

Changes in July 2008

Changes in June 2008

Changes in May 2008

Changes in April 2008

v1.46.0 on Mar/29/2008
v1.45.0 on Mar/27/2008
v1.44.1 on Mar/25/2008
v1.44.0 on Mar/22/2008
v1.43.1 on Mar/18/2008
    • Fixed the content of the left column of the Before/After table of the changelog entry made on Feb/21/2008:
      Before the Change After the Change
      <div class="changelogitem">
        <div class="changelogdate">v1.15.0 on <a name="changelog_20071229">Dec/29/2007</a></div>
      <div class="changelogitem">
        <div class="changelogdate">v1.15.0 on <a name="changelog_20071229">Dec/29/2007</a></div>
        <div class="changelogtext">
    • Fixed the content of the right column of the Before/After table of the changelog entry made on Feb/21/2008:
      Before the Change After the Change
      <div id="changelog_20071229" class="changelogitem">
        <div class="changelogdate">v1.15.0 on Dec/29/2007</div>
      <div id="changelog_20071229" class="changelogitem">
        <div class="changelogdate">v1.15.0 on Dec/29/2007</div>
        <div class="changelogtext">
v1.43.0 on Mar/15/2008
v1.42.0 on Mar/13/2008
    • Revised the underlying XHTML code: The XHTML attribute name uniquely identifying a changelog entry was replaced with the XHTML attribute id placed in the parent XHTML element, e.g.:
      Before the Change After the Change
      <div class="changelogitem">
        <div class="changelogdate">v1.4.0 on <a name="changelog_20071130">Nov/30/2007</a></div>
        <div class="changelogtext">
      <div id="changelog_20071130" class="changelogitem">
        <div class="changelogdate">v1.4.0 on Nov/30/2007</div>
        <div class="changelogtext">
v1.41.0 on Mar/11/2008
    • Added a Before/After table to the changelog entry made on Feb/26/2008.
    • Revised the content of the changelog entry made on Feb/23/2008:
      Before the Change After the Change
      Revised the content: A paragraph was removed.
      Revised the content:
      This means, that a paragraph was removed.
    • Added a Before/After table to the changelog entry made on Feb/19/2008.
    • Revised the content of the left column of the Before/After table of the changelog entry made on Feb/14/2008:
      Before the Change After the Change
      <div class="changelogitem">
        <div class="changelogdate">v1.15.0 on <a name="2007-12-29">Dec/29/2007</a></div>
    • Revised the content of the right column of the Before/After table of the changelog entry made on Feb/14/2008:
      Before the Change After the Change
      <div class="changelogitem">
        <div class="changelogdate">v1.15.0 on <a name="changelog_20071229">Dec/29/2007</a></div>
    • Added Before/After tables to the changelog entry made on Feb/05/2008.
v1.40.0 on Mar/09/2008
v1.39.0 on Mar/06/2008
v1.38.0 on Mar/04/2008

Changes in February 2008

Changes in January 2008

Changes in 2007

Changes in 2006

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