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TigerPixel.DE has entered the BattleForge combat zones.

New Battleforge Trailer ( ElectronicArtsDE )

BattleForge rocks!

BattleForge Gameplay T4 in HD ( Romanpower1 )

Watch the preceding parts T1, T2, and T3 of the German-speaking mission tutorial.

BattleForge Tutorial 1 (English) ( ElectronicArtsDE )

Watch more tutorials (available as well in English as well in German) on the BattleForge Web site. Moreover you can download them from there.

Battleforge PvE - Encounters with Twilight - Expert ( Rajeanero )

To get a feeling for the power of the game I strongly recommend to read the comprehensive BattleForge magazine available in the languages as follows:


TigerPixel.DE proudly presents his new powerful Linux computer named Pictor as the constellation of the same name. Since February 2009 it runs Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 "lenny" even though the computer was already assembled by me at the end of October 2008.

The computer name says it all. It is my new creative resp. home office computer in particular for Web and software development. Now the way is open to use NetBeans resp. Eclipse on Linux. The latter IDE is the preferred tool at my employer.

A point of interest is the energy efficiency in comparison to the preceding Linux computer originally assembled in 1999 according to my specifications with several upgrades in the past ten years:

Year of Purchase 2008 1999
Computer Name Pictor Jiddu
Power Consumption ~83 Watt ~61 Watt
CPU Frequency 2 x 2500 MHz (AMD Athlon X2 4850e) 1 x 800 MHz (Intel Pentium III)
CPU Level 1 Cache 2 x 128 KByte 1 x 32 KByte
CPU Level 2 Cache 2 x 512 KByte 1 x 512 KByte
RAM 4096 MByte 256 MByte
HDD Quantity 5 (Serial ATA II) 4 (UltraWide SCSI)
HDD Capacity (netto) 1780 GByte = 4 x 320 GByte + 1 x 500 GByte 40 GByte = 3 x 8 GByte + 1 x 16 GByte
GPU There is a world of difference (ATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics onboard in 2008 and ASUS AGP-V3800 Ultra in 1999)
GPU Memory up to 512MB of system memory 32 MByte

Consult the section My Equipment for the details.


TigerPixel.DE has entered the Enemy Territory: Quake Wars combat zones.

Enemy Territory - Quake Wars - Island Trailer ( 0verlord73 )

Enemy Territory - Quake Wars - Sewer Trailer ( 0verlord73 )

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars - "Requiem for a Dream" ( Varggorm )


TigerPixel.DE has been welcome to the Closed Beta of the upcoming multiplayer cartoon shooter Battlefield Heroes:

Battlefield Heroes Trailer ( KillDeathRatioGaming )

Battlefield Heroes Trailer 2 ( TotalBFru )

Watch the trailers in high quality.

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