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Changes in 2007

Version Date Comment
0.55.1 Dec/23/2006
    • Revised the news entry made on Feb/19/2006:
      Before the Change After the Change
      After the release of the patch 1.2 I started from scratch with the nickname TigerPixel.DE in Battlefield 2. TigerPixel.DE has intervened for the first time after the Battlefield 2 patch 1.2 was released.
0.55.0 Dec/19/2006
0.54.0 Dec/16/2006
0.53.2 Dec/14/2006
    • Revised the news entry made on Mar/22/2006:
      Before the Change After the Change
      I received the second edition Fundamentals of Computer Graphics written by Peter Shirley and several coauthors.
      I purchased this book for two reasons:
      • What are the odds!
        After I had adopted the nickname TigerPixel.DE with the beginning of the year 2006, I read a review of this book in the German IT magazine c't, edition 03/2006 published on Jan/23rd/2006. I was really flabbergasted that the image of the cover printed on page 218 presents the head of a tiger.
      • Computer graphics was one of my primary interests during my main study period of mathematics in the second half of the eighties. You should know that I bought an AMIGA 2000A in 1986.
      TigerPixel.DE has received the second edition Fundamentals of Computer Graphics written by Peter Shirley and several coauthors.
      I've purchased this book for two reasons:
      • What are the odds!
        After I had adopted the nickname TigerPixel.DE with the beginning of the year 2006, I read a review of this book in the German IT magazine c't, edition 03/2006 published on January 23rd, 2006. I was really flabbergasted that the image of the cover printed on page 218 presents the head of a tiger.
      • Computer graphics was one of my primary interests during my main study period of mathematics in the second half of the eighties. The interest in computer graphics was a consequence of the fact that I had bought an AMIGA 2000A in summer 1986.
0.53.1 Dec/07/2006
    • Revised the last paragraph of the section About this Web Site:
      Before the Change After the Change
      This edition of the Web site only represents an alpha stadium. The beta stadium will be achieved if a state-of-the-art menu structure based on CSS is implemented. A good source for free of charge CSS-based designs is the owsd Web site. At the present time this Web site is only a draft. A state-of-the-art menu based on CSS shall be integrated later on. This task is scheduled for the holidays during the turn of the year 2006. A good source for CSS-based Web design templates free of charge is the OSWD Web site.
0.53.0 Dec/02/2006

Changes in November 2006

Changes in October 2006

Changes in September 2006

Changes in August 2006

Changes in July 2006

Changes in June 2006

Changes in May 2006

Changes in April 2006

Changes in March 2006

Changes in February 2006

Changes in January 2006

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