
Changes in 2016

Changes in 2015

Changes in 2014

Changes in 2013

Changes in 2012

Changes in 2011

Changes in 2010

Changes in 2009

Changes in 2008

Changes in 2007

Changes in December 2006

Changes in November 2006

Version Date Comment
0.48.0 Oct/28/2006
0.47.1 Oct/26/2006
0.47.0 Oct/21/2006
    • Added a resource to the section The Gamer's Resources:
      Game Development
      Tools & Utilities
      NVPerfKit is ...
      NVPerfKit is a comprehensive suite of performance tools provided by the GPU manufacturer NVIDIA Corporation to help debug and profile OpenGL and Direct3D applications. It gives access to low-level performance counters inside the driver and hardware counters inside the GPU itself. The counters can be used to determine exactly how an application is using the GPU, identify performance issues, and confirm that performance problems have been resolved.
0.46.2 Oct/19/2006
0.46.1 Oct/15/2006
    • Added the PARAWORLD logo to the news entry made on Sep/15/2006:
      Paraworld Logo
      Note: The PARAWORLD logo is part of the fan site kit provided by SUNFLOWERS Interactive Entertainment Software GmbH.
      All data included in the fan site kit are subject to the following copyrights:
      "ParaWorld (c) 2006 by SUNFLOWERS Interactive Entertainment Software GmbH. SUNFLOWERS is a registered trademark of SUNFLOWERS Interactive Entertainment Software GmbH. All rights reserved."
      If you use materials of the fan site kit for creation of your Paraworld web site, you are obliged to integrate these copyrights onto your web site. Additionally to that you have to include a link to the official Paraworld web site. Its target destination ( has to open in a new window.
0.46.0 Oct/11/2006

Changes in September 2006

Changes in August 2006

Changes in July 2006

Changes in June 2006

Changes in May 2006

Changes in April 2006

Changes in March 2006

Changes in February 2006

Changes in January 2006

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