
Changes in 2016

Changes in 2015

Changes in 2014

Changes in 2013

Changes in 2012

Changes in 2011

Changes in 2010

Changes in 2009

Changes in 2008

Changes in 2007

Changes in December 2006

Changes in November 2006

Changes in October 2006

Changes in September 2006

Changes in August 2006

Changes in July 2006

Version Date Comment
0.30.0 Jun/24/2006
    • Added a link in the section The Gamer's Resources:
      The Web site asserts ...
      The Web site asserts the claim to represent one of the biggest linux-gaming communities with an integrated multi-gaming-clan. Its intention is to provide you the latest Linux gaming related news, a big moderated forum, a huge HOWTO collection and other information about the community and the clan.
0.29.0 Jun/23/2006
0.28.0 Jun/19/2006
    • Added two links in the section The Gamer's Resources:
      Game Development
      Nexuiz is ...
      Nexuiz is a 3d deathmatch game project, created online by a team of developers called Alientrap. It is available for download for Windows, Mac, and Linux (all the same archive).The first version was released May 31st 2005, released entirely GPL and free over the net, a first for a project of its kind. Since the release the game is still being updated and developed.
      Nexuiz is ...
      Nexuiz is a 3d deathmatch game project, created online by a team of developers called Alientrap. It is available for download for Windows, Mac, and Linux (all the same archive).The first version was released May 31st 2005, released entirely GPL and free over the net, a first for a project of its kind. Since the release the game is still being updated and developed.
      Note: At present time a link may arise in various categories.
      But my plan is to create a dynamically driven Web site based on JSP in 2007. Then the links of the section The Gamer's Resources will be maintained in a PostgreSQL database. A frontend shall enable you to search with keywords for links.
0.27.0 Jun/18/2006
    • Revised the section My History of Computer Gaming:
      Before the Change After the Change
      In December 2002 a big change affected my life. I installed the multiplayer demo of the computer game "Battlefield 1942". Before this time I was only a fan of strategy games (e.g. Empire Earth) but absolutely not of first person shooters. I remember that I played the Battlefield 1942 Multiplayer demo sixteen hours without a break. This session was finished by a crash of the demo then. In December 2002 a big change affected my life. I installed the multiplayer demo of the computer game Battlefield 1942. Before this time I was only a fan of strategy games (e.g. Empire Earth published by SIERRA in fall 2001) but absolutely not of first person shooters. I remember that I started a session with the Battlefield 1942 multiplayer demo on a Saturday before midnight. The chances are it was the 21st December 2002. On the subsequent Sunday at 4 o'clock p.m., that is 16 hours later, only a crash of the demo could coerce me into taking a break.
0.26.0 Jun/17/2006
0.25.0 Jun/09/2006
    • Added a link in the section The Gamer's Resources:
      Game Development
      FJM: A High Performance Java Message Library
      The paper presents ...
      The paper presents an IP-multicast-based Java Message Service implementation called FJM (Fast Java Messaging) Library. Its architecture, protocols, and implementation issues are discussed. For achieving better performance, the original design of the FJM was revised. The details of the refinement are also described. Then, the performance of the both versions of the FJM with the performance of other JMS implementations are compared. After the carefully design and tuning done by the authors of the paper, in most cases, the revised version of the FJM can offer the highest throughput among the well-known industrial or open source JMS implementations. Therefore, FJM can be used in many innovative or mission critical cluster applications, such as massively multiplayer virtual worlds or military simulators.
0.24.0 Jun/08/2006
0.23.0 Jun/06/2006
0.22.0 Jun/03/2006
0.21.0 Jun/02/2006

Changes in May 2006

Changes in April 2006

Changes in March 2006

Changes in February 2006

Changes in January 2006

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